Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today I took the PSAT, in an actual high school. It was definitely an experience! I think I shall refer to high schools as “human zoos” from now on…lol. ;) Seriously, there were so many people that I kind of got disoriented just walking through the cafeteria to the main office. But I still want to go to school. I’m not exactly sure why I want to, but I guess it’s just because I’ve only been home schooled, and one always wants what they can’t have. Murphy’s law again. (Don’t you ever wonder who is Murphy?) Anyways, it gets annoying to be your own teacher: you give yourself the quizzes and tests, then grade them, and then you have to record them so that you can average out your grade for the school year. Although one thing I don’t mind is that I can wake up later (but not too much later) than kids who go to school…and I can do school in my PJs when I can’t seem to put together an outfit. I do know one thing; if I did go to school, I’d get up early and be awake for my classes, but as soon as I got home, I’d fall asleep for two hours. Then I would get to bed really late and therefore be really tired the next day and the pattern would continue. So I guess those are the pros and cons of both going to school and home schooling. But I also need to remember that G-d put me where I am for a special purpose that is part of His plan for my life, and I need to bloom where I am planted. I guess that’s it for now.


Unknown said...


"The event occurred in 1949 at Edwards Air Fore Base, Muroc, California, during Air Force Project MX981. This was Col. J. P. Stapp's experimental crash research testing on the track at North Base. The work was being accomplished by Northrop Aircraft, under contract from the Aero Medical Lab at Wright field. I was Northrop's project manager.
The Law's namesake was Capt. Ed Murphy, a development engineer from Wright Field Aircraft Lab. Frustration with a strap transducer which was malfunctioning due to an error in wiring the strain gage bridges caused him to remark - "If there is any way to do it wrong, he will" - referring to the technician who had wired the bridges at the Lab. I assigned Murphy's Law to the statement and the associated variations.
...A couple of weeks after the "naming" Col. Stapp indicated, as a press conference, that our fine safety record during several years of simulated crash force testing was the result of a firm belief in Murphy's Law, and our consistent effort to deny the inevitable. The widespread reference to the Law in manufacturers' ads within only a few months was fantastic - and Murphy's Law was off and running wild."

From the preface of the book "Murphy's Law and other reasons why things go wrong!"

Students said...

Edward Aloysius Murphy, Jr. (January 11, 1918 – July 17, 1990[1]) was an American aerospace engineer who worked on safety-critical systems and is best-known for the eponymous Murphy's Law, which states that "If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then somebody will do it that way." This should not be confused with Finagle's law, which states "Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment".

Information via Wikipedia.


Vecseri Erzsébet said...

LOL! Thanks for the info...I probably wouldn't have taken the time to look that up. That is actually very interesting. It's cool to know that Murphy's Law(s) came from an actual guy.

Alyosha said...

Ahaha--well, that's one way to get comments, eh? :P

Human zoos... an apt description. haha.

I used to want to go to "real" school dreadfully, now, not so much.

*rejoices that Blue got a blog*


Vecseri Erzsébet said...

Yes! *rejoices with Aly*

Though why don't you want to go to school anymore?

Araken said...

I would dearly love to get out of my school and be homeschooled! Oh well, maybe next year!

~Just*Flinn~ said...

Ah...the PSAT. lol

Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog!

Vecseri Erzsébet said...

Your very welcome! Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while; I've been trying to cook up something to post that will make sense to someone other than!